As we gear up to commemorate the work of and celebrate Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., it is important for us to recognize his influence in shaping the dynamic landscape of community development and empowerment, in which the California Community Action Partnership Association (CalCAPA) and its Community Action Agencies play a pivotal role.The original premise of Community Action includes social responsibility through what is identified as Maximum Feasible Participation. Empowerment includes the idea to support, through encouragement, funding, and the development and implementation of community-based plans of action for poverty alleviation, as identified and prioritized by individuals and communities in poverty themselves.


Dedicated to serving California communities, Community Action exemplifies the essence of social responsibility by actively engaging in initiatives that address socio-economic challenges and empower vulnerable populations, making tangible impact on communities across California. 

Poverty Alleviation Services

At the heart of Community Action’s social responsibility initiatives is a commitment to movement towards eradicating poverty. At the state association level, CalCAPA actively collaborates with the local Community Action Agencies (CAAs,) external nonprofit association, and governmental departments to design and implement effective poverty alleviation services. These initiatives aim to provide tangible opportunities, such as food assistance, housing aid, workforce development, financial literacy services, and more– often referred to as “wraparound services.”

Food assistance

Under the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG,) Community Action Agencies can be innovative with what poverty alleviating programs they develop and how to best operate them to serve the needs of their communities. The Community Action Agency of Butte County has developed a food assistance program called, “530 Food Rescue Coalition.” The premise of this program is to mobilize volunteers to transport food donations from food retailers to nonprofits, and aims to fill the gaps in the existing food recovery system. It empowers the community volunteers to end food  waste and support those experiencing food insecurity in Butte County. You can learn more about the 530 Food Rescue Coalition here

Housing Aid

During the COVID-19 pandemic, California launched the “Housing is Key”  to assist those struggling to make ends meet by providing rental assistance. California Community Action Agencies worked tirelessly to assist individuals and families receive rent relief. Our Community Action Agencies provide ample frontline workers and support for individuals and families who need help navigating forms for state-offered assistance. 

Financial Literacy and Assistance

Financial literacy and overall financial health assistance is a major key to ensuring community members are able to reach self-sustainability. Services like Individual Development Account building and Budget Counseling are a few things Community Action Agencies offer that not only meet individuals and communities where they are, but empower them to take back their power in not letting the fear of financial instability hold them under the Federal Poverty Line (FPL.) 

Community Action Agencies also offer VITA services– Volunteer Income Tax Assistance. For those who are eligible, volunteer tax preparers can receive free training to assist low-income individuals and families file their taxes and maximize their state and federal returns for free. 

Community Advocacy and Empowerment

Recognizing the transformative impact of education, Community Action invests in programs that enhance the educational opportunities for individuals and families. This includes initiatives focused on early childhood education, adult literacy programs, and skill development courses. By providing access to quality education, Community Action equips individuals and families with the tools needed to break the cycle of poverty.

In the pursuit of helping individuals and families reach self-sustainability, Community Action aims to bring relevant and attainable workforce development opportunities to communities. Services ranging from resume writing, mock interview practicing, to technical skill training, 

Long Beach Community Action Partnership, in collaboration with external partners, offers entry level on-the-job training for occupations related to home repair, maintenance, and construction. Their entry level Home Repair Training Program is offered as a 12-week paid training period with potential to lead to regular employment following completion. Opportunities like this ensure individuals are not left without income while pursuing a different avenue of employment, and gaining skills that can be carried into different areas of work to be built off of– all ensuring they are helping individuals have the necessary skills and resources to be self-sufficient. 

Other educational services offered by Community Action are in the adult education sector. Coming from all walks of life, educational opportunities provide a second chance for individuals who may have faced obstacles earlier in life. The Community Action Partnership of Sonoma County offers an Adult English Language Learner Program– aiming to create faster acquisition of English skills in order to gain a better paying job and bring financial stability to their household. They receive instruction, participate in lessons and activities, and have continued support once completed with the program. This program has multiple sites within the county and has proven crucial to improving the economic equity and employment opportunities that are not available due to language barriers.  

A keystone to Community Action Work is Early Head Start and Head Start programs. Early Head Start and Head Start programs support children’s growth from birth to age 5 through services centered around early learning and development, health, and family well-being. Head Start staff actively engage parents, recognizing family participation throughout the program as key to strong child outcomes. They are also designed to focus on early childhood health development, family and community partnerships, and program governance. These programs work to ensure children are equipped with school readiness skills through quality learning experiences, promoting development in areas such as language and literacy, mathematics, social/emotional development, science, creative arts, and physical health and well-being. 

Collaboration with Local Businesses

Community Action Agencies actively foster partnerships with local businesses to create economic opportunities for residents. Through collaborations, the association supports initiatives that promote entrepreneurship, job creation, and economic growth at the community level. By engaging with the business community, Community Action Agencies catalyze positive economic growth that benefits all members of the community. 

Transparency and Accountability

Community Action values transparency and accountability as fundamental pillars of its social responsibility commitment. CalCAPA maintains open communication with stakeholders, including community members and partners, ensuring that its programs are aligned with the needs of the communities it serves. 

Community Action Agencies are required to complete Community Needs Assessments that are unique to their own community. These assessments allow Community Action Agency leaders to:

  1. Understand the scope of emerging and ongoing needs of low-income communities
  2. Choose what role the agency will play in meeting those needs
  3. Identify economic and social resources, as well as partnership opportunities in the community that can help meet the needs
  4. Educate community members and leaders about the identified needs and provide input on policies and strategies
  5. Explain to the community the rationale behind decisions to prioritize needs and allocate resources. 

“One core principle for our nationwide and statewide network is clearly stating that opportunities we build belong to the families and communities we serve,” explains David Knight, CalCAPA Executive Director. By being transparent about its actions and outcomes, Community Action State Associations and Community Action Agencies build trust and credibility within the communities it supports. 

CalCAPA and Community Action Agencies dedication to social responsibility goes beyond rhetoric– it is evident in the impactful programs and initiatives that actively address the diverse needs of California communities. The legacy of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his efforts to uplift and advocate for Community Action are reflected in the Community Action mission and model. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “Human progress comes through the tireless efforts and the persistent work of dedicated individuals, and they realize that the time is always right to do right.”

By providing poverty-alleviation programs and services, Community Action stands as a beacon of positive change in communities that face multifaceted challenges. 


Need assistance?

California Community Action Agencies are here to help. Reach out to your local agency to receive assistance or direction on how to apply for programs available to you.

Find your local agency here: