CalCAPA Academy is a growing hub for training and technical assistance in California. New features for the 2020 relaunch include a streamlined process for creating new learner accounts, tons of new content, and a little edutainment on demand.
New eLearning courses are available for Community Action stakeholders:
- Staff
- Program Managers
- Executives
- Board Members
- Subcontractors
Courses in CalCAPA Academy includes information and content from:
- National CAP
Get started now with one of the following courses!
- For Everyone – Community Action Orientation
- For Board Members – All a-Board! | The Purpose, People, and Process of CAA Boards (CAPLAW)
- For Executives & Program Managers – Advocacy & Messaging for Community Action
CalCAPA will announce new eLearning and live courses as they become available. Many of the Instructor-Led Training courses are available for in-person or webinar delivery. CalCAPA contracts with over a dozen training consultants to offer Organizational Standards compliance training plus a wide assortment of inexpensive workforce development training. Request more information for details and webinar availability.
- StrengthsFinder Leadership Development (with Lucy Hernandez)
- Launch & Lead a Community Collaborative (with Catherine Marshall)
- Growing Emotional Intelligence (with Lawrence Hiner)
Stay tuned for more updates, highlights, and courses!
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