ROMA Trainer & Implementor Certification Scholarships
For more information, visit ANCRT homepage!

Nationally Certified ROMA Implementor
The process to become a ROMA Implementer (NCRI) involves demonstration of understanding of the basic concepts related to Results Oriented Management and Accountability, demonstration of your experience in using ROMA in your job duties, and acceptance of your role in the national network to promote the use of the full ROMA Cycle in your agency. There are four phases to the training and certification process: taking an E-Course, attending a one day Introduction to ROMA Training, preparation of a portfolio to demonstrate your understanding of the concepts and your use of the practices, and a final exam.
The Application Fee for the 2024 Training and Certification Process is $775.00.
CalCAPA is offering a limited number of scholarships to support California-based Community Action Agencies with NCRI certifications.
Nationally Certified ROMA Trainer
The process to become a ROMA Trainer (NCRT) involves demonstration of understanding of the basic concepts related to Results Oriented Management and Accountability, demonstration of the ability to present these concepts in a training setting, and acceptance of the role of the ROMA Trainer in the national training network to promote the use of ROMA in your agency, your state and though out the country. There are four phases to the training and certification process: taking an E-Course, attending a three-day Train-the-Trainer Classroom Session, practicing the delivery of the content, being evaluated on knowledge and delivery of the content.
The Application Fee for the 2024 Training and Certification Process is $995.00.
CalCAPA is offering a limited number of scholarships to support California-based Community Action Agencies with NCRT certifications.