What is CAVO?
The Community Action Virtual Onboarding (CAVO) course is the primary feature of a fully functional Learning Management System (LMS) designed for Community Action Agencies (CAAs) and other CSBG Eligible Entities (CEEs). The CAVO course introduces learners to the fundamental components of Community Action including:
- The History of Community Action
- Agency Information
- State CSBG Association (e.g. CalCAPA)
- Community Action Network Support Associations
- Performance Management (e.g. ROMA)
- Theory of Change
For whom is CAVO?
CAVO is intended for implementation in Community Action Agencies or similar CSBG Eligible Entities to assist with onboarding. Due to advancements in LMS technology, each agency can customize much of the content in the system and gain access to a library of shared content. Each agency that signs up for CAVO selects one or more LMS Admins to monitor the system. CAVO was created to primarily support five audiences directly tied to Community Action Agencies.
- Agency Staff
- Board/Commission Members
- Volunteers
- Subcontractors
- Community Partners
How much does CAVO cost?
During the introduction of CAVO, California-based CAAs may claim up to 30 seats in a branded and customized Learning Management System Tenant from February 25, 2022, until February 25, 2025. After that, access to CAVO is estimated at $20/user/year. New agreements will need to be signed after February 25, 2025.

Memorandum of Understanding
Many agencies prefer to review the draft Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that CalCAPA uses to enter an agreement with an agency. Below is a link to download a copy of the draft to use for suggesting modifications. Contact training@calcapa.org for more details.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, agencies saw a surge in the usage of online systems to perform work remotely. Additionally, agencies saw a rise in turnover both in their staff and on their boards which led to a rapid increase in requests for onboarding materials. Since most of the resources available for onboarding are digital documents and video links, the logical next step was to bring everything together in one easy place.
In addition to onboarding new staff and board members, CalCAPA recognized a growing disconnection between agency staff, board members, volunteers, subcontractors, and their community partners with the more extensive, national Community Action network of agencies and support organizations.
How did CAVO start?
In 2021, CalCAPA partnered with Community Action agencies and support associations over the course of a year to create a Community Action Virtual Onboarding course. The primary goal was to create a resource to educate people about the vast services available through Community Action.
What’s an LMS?
While it was the primary goal to provide CAVO as a focal point, by placing the course at the center of a more robust Learning Management System, agencies that engage with the system may tap into highly customizable features including:
- Tracking Staff Onboarding Documentation (e.g. employee handbook, etc.)
- Tracking Board Member Onboarding Documentation (e.g. whistleblower policy, etc.)
- Community Leadership Development (e.g. future board member training)
- Internal certificate programs
- Gamification (e.g. achievement badges)